Monday, February 26, 2018

Week 6 Spring ( 2/19/2018-2/25/2018)

In this week, we worked on assembling all the parts together.

We drilled the middle hole of the flange collar to make it bigger so that the motor shaft can fit in it.

We drilled new side hole in the torque plate. Those holes were used to attach the flange collar to the torque plate. After, we put the flange collar, the torque plate and the disk together

We put the tape and the glue on roll on the parts  where the teflon was going to be attached

After, the teflon was put on the top of disk

Next, the new holes were drilled in the base where the screws of the motor would be. A side cut was also made which would be used to tighten the flange collar.

The screws of the motor were changed. In the picture above, the screw on the left is the one for the motor, but since it was not tall enough, it was replaced by the one on the right

The motor with the new screws. The middle right screw was not able to be replaced because the arrangement of the motor parts was not convenient to us to do the replacement of it 

After, the motor was attached to the base

The turntable was attached to the riser and after, they were put together with the base and its support

Next, the holes were drilled in the support cushion. Those holes were used to attach the support cushion to the design

The picture of the final design with all parts on it

Friday, February 16, 2018

Week 5 Spring (2/12/18-2/18/18)

New Ridges on Disc

The figure above shows the new 3D printed ridges that are officially going to be on the device

The figure above shows the team putting the new ridges on the 14 in diameter disc

The figure above shows the disc with all of the new ridges placed on the disc

Made the base support

The figure above shows the team cutting the wood to make the appropriate size of the base support

The figure above shows Carlos drilling the holes in each base support wood where the screws would be put to make the whole base support assembly

The assembled base support

The front view of the whole design with the new base support

The side view of the whole design with the new base support

Friday, February 9, 2018

Week 4 Spring (2/5/18-2/11/18)

Disc Teflon and Cushion

The team put the Teflon on the disc to determine to limit the friction. The team determined that we need an adhesive (Velcro) to go under the Teflon to hold to the Teflon in place. The team decided to order a thinner Teflon.

The figure above shows the cushion on top of the disc, however, the team determined that we need a thinner cushion ( 1 inch thick instead of 2 inch thick) due to the ridges change its height. 

Calculations for Torque

The team calculated the torque in order to determine which type of motor the disc will need to rotate without any issues. The team calculated 58.7 N*m

Items Ordered:

Thinner Teflon

Future task:

Use force meter item to measure torque with a 200 lbs on disc

Assemble properly the Teflon and cushion

Pressure Sensor Comparison

Motor Research and Findings

- the original motor had the following characteristics:
          Torque: 40 in-lbs or 4.52 Nm
          rpm: 12 rpm

- since the original motor was found to not be strong enough to be able to turn the disk while the disk is supporting a 200 lb individual, therefore the following motos were found in our research for a new motor with a high torque:

PN00113-VAR - Variable Speed High Torque 5 RPM Conveyor and Rotisserie Gear Motor 12V DC Reversible


          torque: 91.7 Nm
          rpm: 5 rpm
          price: $205

40 RPM 12 Volt DC 600 Watt RA Gearmotor


          torque: 94.5 Nm
          rpm: 40 rpm
          price: $184.95

40 RPM 12 Volt DC 900 Watt RA Gearmotor


          torque: 213.5 Nm
          rpm: 40 rpm
          price: $199.95

Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 3_Spring (1/29/2018 - 2/4/2018)

In this week, we work on the project in three different days.

  • on Wednesday the 1/31/2018, we went to the ABPK and drilled the metal plate and cut the shaft to be used in lining up it with the base. The pictures of them are shown below:

The picture above shows the shaft being smoothed

  • On Thursday the 2/1/2018, we continued to drill the metal plate and we attached it to the base. The pictures are shown below:

  • On Friday the 2/2/2018, we finalize the design by drilling the wood supports and the ridges, and assembling everyhting together. The pictures are shown below:

This last picture shows the final design after being assembled

Specifications of different Pressure Pads
Among the four Salers that I contacted, 2 of them sent me flyers with detailed specification, the other send me general flyers about the importance of pressure pad and a general description of their pads. I requested them to send me a flyer with detailed specifications and I am still waiting for their responses. Below is a table of specifications of the two who gave me the details.