Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 3_Spring (1/29/2018 - 2/4/2018)

In this week, we work on the project in three different days.

  • on Wednesday the 1/31/2018, we went to the ABPK and drilled the metal plate and cut the shaft to be used in lining up it with the base. The pictures of them are shown below:

The picture above shows the shaft being smoothed

  • On Thursday the 2/1/2018, we continued to drill the metal plate and we attached it to the base. The pictures are shown below:

  • On Friday the 2/2/2018, we finalize the design by drilling the wood supports and the ridges, and assembling everyhting together. The pictures are shown below:

This last picture shows the final design after being assembled

Specifications of different Pressure Pads
Among the four Salers that I contacted, 2 of them sent me flyers with detailed specification, the other send me general flyers about the importance of pressure pad and a general description of their pads. I requested them to send me a flyer with detailed specifications and I am still waiting for their responses. Below is a table of specifications of the two who gave me the details.

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